Signs of American-Iranian agreement
As it is known on June 7, at about 7pm by Yerevan time the American F-16 pursuit plane launched two rockets of 225 kilograms in the direction of the shelter of al-Zarqawi near to Baakuba city in the North-East of Baghdad. Though soon the detachments of American and Iraqi special forces were already there, and according to the latest information they were in time to see Abu Musab al-Zarqawi alive, however the leader of Al-Qaida in Iraq died.
18 hours later the Iraqi parliament at last endorsed the nomination of the ministers of the Interior, National Security and Defense putting an end to long-term fruitless discussions.
A few more hours later, in the training camp allocated near the former Jewish settlement of Rafia Yam to the south of Gaza District, from the burst of the rocket launched by Israeli F-16 was killed Jamal Abu Samhadana, the commander of the special forces heading Palestinian group of “Hamas” and designated to this post not long ago.
Both of the murders were preceded by quite assiduous work of American and Israeli intelligence forces. However, in all these stands out the information according to which in the both cases we deal with betray. For example, the Americans were “led” to the shelter of al-Zarqawi by sheikh Abd al-Rahman, considered to be the confessor of the former Al-Qaida leader in Iraq. But the main data acquired from the member of the al-Zarqawi net fallen into the hands of American special forces was that the Pentagon intelligence was following Abd al-Rahman for a few days, who, at last, “brought” them to the shelter of al-Zarqawi.
However, a few remarkable events had taken place before that, which, together with seeming tactical significance, in reality had elements of regional strategy.
Still on May 14 the Foreign Ministry of Iraq announced that the visit of the Iranian foreign minister Manuchehr Motaki to Baghdad, appointed for the next day, was put off. The official explanation of it was that the visit will be paid only after the formation of Iraqi government. So, on May 26 Motaki was already in Iraq and met not only with the president and prime minister of the country Jalal Talabani and Nouri al-Maliki, but also with the spiritual leader of Iraqi shias ayatollah Ali Sistani.
It is not a secret that situation in Iraq is an instrument of pressure Teheran often and quite successfully uses against the United States. On December 15, 2005 the parliament formed as a result of elections in Iraq could hold its first session only on March 16, 2006 and the second one on April 20, 2006. One must confess that such a situation makes a good ground for Washington-Teheran negotiations and the visit of Motaki to Baghdad at the end of May has only come to prove about preliminary agreement.
A few weeks after Motaki’s visit, on June 6, Javier Solana brought the famous package of conditions worked out on June 1 in Vienna by the six powers, which was to ease tension on Iran’s nuclear program and the main element of which was Washington’s suggestion made to Teheran to resume uranium enrichment work in Iran.
It is noteworthy that the day Solana visited Iran, on June 6, Iran resumed uranium enrichment work suspended at the end of April.
One more remarkable circumstance: Soon after al-Zarqawi’s murder, international prices of oil in stock exchanges in London and New York began falling, going beyond the limit of $70 for a barrel. One may suppose that the main conclusion drown in the stock exchanges was that al-Zarqawi’s murder in Iraq wouldn’t pacify Iraq, in reality becoming a serious showing of American-Iranian possible agreement. It is noteworthy that the international prices of oil began falling before that, when Teheran answered positively to the package brought by Solana.
June 12, 2006Return
Another materials of author
- A new logic of Iranian relations: situational analysis[13.03.2007]
- The assassination of Hrant Dink and political developments[22.02.2007]
- The Good Old “National Issue” in the European Space: Enlarged Europe, New Realities[08.02.2007]
- Karabakh conflict: situational analysis[06.07.2006]
- On American-Turkish relations[09.06.2006]
- The Karabakh issue; situational analysis[01.03.2006]