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Gagik Ter-Harutyunyan

Harutyunyan_Gagik (medium) During the past decades the information factor has acquired a decisive role in almost all the fields of activity of an individual, society, state and nation. In the changing world only the one having information has a chance to follow, coincide with and respond the new realities. The information actions today have been transferred to the political plane and are considered to be one of the most important geopolitical tools.

Information security of Armenians

The competitiveness of nations in up-to-date world is considerably conditioned by conceptual approaches they have to information security (IS). It is obvious that the Armenian IS system must include not only the complex of information problems relating to the population of Armenia (RA, NKR, Javakhk) but also the Armenians living all over the world. In the RA adopted document on “National security strategy” are stressed up the two subject of national security – Armenians and Armenia, the security functions of which are interconnected and should be based on the principle of complementarily.

Let’s mention that the Armenian IS field is considerably controllable and should the executive and legislative decisions based on expert estimations be adopted, one may work out the mechanism of developments in Armenia’s information field. At that, in case of the world-spread Armenians the settlement of information problems is much more difficult: it is difficult to speak about executive and legislative decisions in connection with other countries, although the situation here has been changed a little and European conventions relating to national minorities and suchlike lobbyist activities enlarge the Armenians’ opportunities in the field.

The peculiarities of Armenians in the information security context

The main reasons making it difficult to organize Armenians are partially known, yet it is worth systemizing a few of them in the IS context.

  1. The number of Armenians living abroad is twice as much as the ones living in Armenia, that’s to say, the information security problem of all the Armenians is a bigger problem than the one of Armenia.
  2. The Armenians are spread in more than 100 countries situated in different geopolitical and civilization zones. The present situation has a certain influence on the outlook, mentality, cultural, social-economic and politician orientations of the Armenians living in different parts. All these cause problems of communication character among Armenians living in different countries.
  3. The Armenians are also divided due to their linguistic-religious characteristics: this circumstance is quite problematic, especially among the Islamized Armenians (the ones who became Turks, Kurds and Arabs).

The list of the above mentioned unfavorable factors may be enlarged. However, in parallel with them, there are also positive factors popularizing, integrating and joining the Armenians.

  • The idea of a common native land
  • The idea of the Armenian unique civilization
  • The memories of the Armenian Genocide and the Armenian case
  • The processes connected with Karabakh

Let’s mention that the two factors are today in the center of attention of the global civilization, which is very favorable from the standpoint of information integration of Armenians.

The problem of the Armenian resources

Besides national peculiarities, in the IS context of Armenians there are other problems which have an objective character and are conditioned by global developments.

According to expert forecasts the number of independent countries will still remain its tendency to increase, however, there are a number of states and nations which are sure to lose their ethnic-civilization identity in the strategic future and turn into the objects of international civilization and economics (such tendencies are particularly observed in Europe).

This problem mainly refers to little nations and states. To resist such tendencies it is required certain quantity of resources available for not all the nations. Let’s list the following from the complex of resources required:

  1. Resources belonging to civilization and spiritual-cultural field.
  2. Technological or, in other words, human, mental, scientific-technical and information resources.
  3. Material – enterprising, production-trading, financial and other means.
  4. Organization resources: that is the ability to organize, make structures necessary to display tenacity (including the state, community, political, economic, social organizations and formats) and carry out national functions in accordance with them.

In the context of resources necessary for tenacity Armenia and Armenians have a little bit unique and not that unequivocal status. We are sure to possess civil resources, in particular – technological, we seem not to be lacking information resources and the material resources are also enough. There are some problems in organizing, or, in other words, management field. It is worth mentioning that unconscientiousness in this field may be of principle importance: organization abilities limit the efficiency of functions of the other fields.

Of course, Armenians don’t lack organization abilities: but for them, we wouldn’t have the history of thousands of years. At the same time, under non-extreme conditions we sometimes are not able to unite, which has a negative influence, particularly, on information organization processes of Armenians.

The information field problems of Armenians

Settlement of organization problems supposes possibly clarification and systemization of the Armenians’ IS problems. There are more probable to be the following:

  1. Providing Armenians with all the necessary information concerning to Armenia and Armenians.
  2. Making an image corresponding to Armenians and as a part of consciousness introducing it to Armenians and other communities.
  3. Working out conceptual and technological elements of contemporary information policy and implementing them in political, economic, scientific-educational and cultural organization works.
  4. Conceptual elaboration of Pen-Armenian network-centered system and by means of it shaping the joint information field of Armenians.

The last point should be perceived as the most important task, as it has direct connection with the organization problems of Armenians in the information context.

Network-centered system

The so called network-centered system is considered to be the most ideal one in up-to-date world. In such a system the subjects liable to organization are in a joint information field – net, as they have a right to act independently and high level of capacities. They have joint leaders, joint goals and problems. It is worth mentioning that the network-centered organization system is used by the US and other leading countries as a method of organizing their geopolitics and, in particular, armed forces. Some researchers even think that network organization results formation of so called team super-intellect providing a chance to solve problems unreachable for certain individuals.

It is very important that the network-centered system is very steady. Even if one or a few of the governing elements get out of the range, the others are able to continue the work quite efficiently thanks to high self-government. In particular, if the network-centered system is applied in case of Armenians, it will make a chance to preserve the viability of the system even in case of the governing center is destroyed, as the other network members may continue their activity basing on the military-ideological tenets making the basis of the system.

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