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July 22-23, 2017

Conference Objectives

Taking into consideration the fact that in recent years, the number of Armenian students and researchers in Universities all around the world has increased, on July 22-23, 2017, the Armenian Community of China and its Scientific Council will hold the first Online Conference of Young Armenian Diaspora Researchers in the Field of Humanities. The main idea of the conference is to unite Armenian scientific potential in the diaspora and to present a unique platform for Armenian scholars and students to introduce their research.


The Armenian Community of China has great experience in organizing online academic conferences using modern technologies. It has already organized 3 online conferences for Armenian researchers and students across China. This conference brought together Armenian students, doctoral candidates and PHD researchers based in different Chinese cities. The focus of these historic conferences, largely covered by Armenian media, was multi-disciplinary scientific perspectives. As there is huge interest from young Armenian researchers located in the other countries, the Scientific Council of the Armenian Community of China decided to share its experience and organize “The First Online Conference of Young Researchers from the Armenian Diaspora in the Field of Humanities”, for all young Armenian scholars who live in foreign countries.

Participation Requirements

Young Armenian researchers based in the Armenian diaspora can apply for the conference, which will be hold online. This format would give opportunity to all Armenians living in various communities to participate. Students and young researchers are encouraged to send a 300-1000 word abstract by June 30, 2017 to Dr. Mher Sahakyan (mhersahakyan@chinastan.org ) The working languages of the conference are Armenian, English and Russian. Abstracts of 10-minute papers are welcomed on any academic topics related to humanities.

The abstracts should be structured as follows: introduction, aim of the research, object of the research, methods, results of the research, conclusion. Papers must be submitted in electronic form.

The font required is Sylfaen, the font size is 12 pt., for the title – 14 pt., the author’s name – 12pt. The subtitles should be printed in bold. The contributions should be typed single-spaced, and the line spacing should be 1.5.

The following information should be given on the first page: the full title of the contribution followed by the full name of the author, and the name of the institution. The deadline for submission of the abstracts is June 30, 2017. The selected participants will be informed about the details of the online format of the conference further. The conference will be held on July 22-23, 2017.

We intend to publish the best papers in a special volume and in electronic sources, which will be edited consequently.

The Conference is organized by the Armenian Community of China and China-Eurasia Council for Political and Strategic Research in partnership with Noravank Foundation and ARMACAD.

All audience members are required to register for conference; for details please contact contact@chinahay.com

