"Region" N 4, 2005
In the articles of this issue are represented the parliamentary elections in NKR held in June, political developments in Azerbaijan, the activities of Georgia's opposition, new realities around the nuclear program in Iran, besides two articles are devoted to the new world order of the XXI century and the sceneries to develop transatlantic relationships.
Davit Babaian
Parliamentary elections in NKR: a key element of the state construction and settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict (in russian)
Sargis Harutyunyan
About political developments of Azerbaijan (in armenian)
Karen Veranyan
Opposition of Georgia (in armenian)
Sevak Sarukhanyan
The USA and the nuclear program of Iran. New threats (in russian)
Vladislav Inozemcev, Sergey Karaganov
About the world order of XXI century (in russian)
Paul Kennedi
Transatlantic attitudes: three scripts (in russian)