Bulletin of Noravank Sсientific Educational Foundation N 2(18), 2006
In search of determinants of civilizations and the countries' social-economic and cultural obvious achievements the professionals more frequently turn to highest levels of human spirit and human co-existance: system of values, virtue and ethics, trust among society members, etc. the bulletine №2(18) of "Noravank" Foundation is devoted to study and elucidation of these issues.
Robert Ghazaryan, Hasmik Hmayakyan
Image of the moral Armenian in the medieval literature and the epos (in armenian)
Armen Aivazyan
The code of honour of the Armenian troops (4-5 centuries) (in armenian)
Khachatur Dadaian
Codex image of the Armenian merchant (in armenian)
Hasmik Hmayakyan
The Armenian trade unions (in armenian)
Nelson Shakhnazaryan
Concepts of the worthy person in the Western and Far East civilizations (in russian)
Lilit Meliksetyan
The concept of the worthy person in medieval knights and legends about King Arthur (in russian)
Araks Pashayan
Features of the code of a pious moslem (in armenian)