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Bulletin of Noravank Sсientific Educational Foundation  N 3(19), 2006 26.07.2006

Bulletin of Noravank Sсientific Educational Foundation N 3(19), 2006

The thematic issue of “Noravank” Foundation’s bulletin “Problems of organizing education” by Manuk Mkrtchyan is completely devoted to the sphere of organizing education, comparison of native and foreign experience. M. Mkrtchyan considers the main problems relating to the mentioned field, standards in the field of general education, suggests its own methodological innovations on disputable issues.

Preface (in armenian) pdf

Introduction (in armenian) pdf

Part 1. General education in the up-to-date leading countries (in armenian) pdf

Part 2. General education in Armenia (in armenian) pdf

Appendixes (in armenian)pdf

