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 "21-րդ ԴԱՐ" N 2, 2003 20.12.2003

"21-րդ ԴԱՐ" N 2, 2003

In the articles of this issue are discussed political consequences of globalization processes, the aspects of their influence on the transformation of the systems of values in conflict zones, are analyzed the conflict factors in religion, are reviewed some problems concerning to the development of Armenia's communication means.

Davit Hovhannisyan
World processes and region: struggle for a survival (in armenian) pdf

Grant Abrahamyan
Political system of Iraq: traditions and modernization (in armenian) pdf

Igor Muradyan
The factors of confrontation in Caucasus-Caspian region (in russian) pdf

Hayk Demoyan
Azerbaijan: a new challenge in 21-st century (in armenian) pdf

Sargis Harutyunyan
The nuclear program of Iran: the past and the future (in armenian) pdf

Ashot Eghiazaryan
Overland means of communication of Armenia (in armenian) pdf

