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"21-րդ ԴԱՐ" N 1, 2003 13.10.2003

"21-րդ ԴԱՐ" N 1, 2003

In the articles of this issue is discussed the role of energy factor in geopolitical processes, are analyzed the perspective of Armenian-Turkish relationships in the context of Near-Eastern developments, it is also discussed the subject entitled "Internet as a brain", etc.

Mher Shahgeldyan
Political decisions of authorities during a transition period (in armenian) pdf

Ara Marjanyan
Energy and geopolitics (in armenian) pdf

Igor Muradyan
Regional geoeconomic situation and safety of Armenia (in russian) pdf

Hakob Chaqryan
Armenian-turkish attitudes in a context of Middle Eastern political developments (in armenian) pdf

Atom Margaryan
Strategy of the country in a context of economic safety (in armenian) pdf

Sergey Grinyaev
The Internet as a superbrain: from a hypothesis to model (in russian) pdf

