"21-րդ ԴԱՐ" N 1, 2004
In the articles of this issue are discussed prospects of the development of Armenology in the context of up-to-date reality, are analyzed the problems of democracy and freedom of conscience in the framework of Orthodox system of values, are reviewed some problems of innovative development, etc.
Suren Martikyan
Lessons of our First Victory (in armenian)
Gevorg Khudinyan
Armenology in 21-st century: our priority national interests (in armenian)
Raphael Papaian
Orthodoxy, democracy and liberty of conscience (in armenian)
Gagik Harutyunyan
"Adzhariya crisis " in a context of regional safety (in armenian)
Igor Muradyan
On political dynamics in region of Southern Caucasus (in russian)
Igor Bagiryan
National innovation system (in russian)