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«21-й ВЕК» N 1, 2005 29.07.2005

«21-й ВЕК» N 1, 2005

In this issue is observed the problem of the recognition of Armenian Genocide in RA foreign policy, the preconditions of the acceptance of Christianity in Armenia, the main directions of China's armed forces modernization, the problems of Iran nuclear policy, the conception of the war's nonlinearity, the situation in Javaghk in the context of withdrawal of Russian military bases, etc.

Ruben Safrastyan
The problem of the recognition of the Genocide in Armenia’s foreign policy: multilevel analyses pdf

Sevak Sarukhanyan
Iran’s nuclear choise. Discussions on national nuclear program and its expediency in Iran pdf

Sergey Minasyan
The situation in Javakhk in the context of a removal of the Russian military bases from Georgia pdf

Sergey Grinyaev
The main directions of transformation of China’s armed forces pdf

Hrachya Arzumanyan
Nonlinear nature of war pdf

Naira Hakobyan
Marginality as one of the characteristic features of a transformation pdf

Raphael Papaian
The spiritual preconditions of the acceptance of Christianity in Armenia pdf

