«21-й ВЕК» N 1, 2006
In the issue are considered problems related to the role and significance of civilization factor, wide range of questions connected with political and legal aspects of Karabakh conflict and the ways to solve it, here are analyzed financial reforms carried out in CIS countries, regional military-political developments etc. In particular in the issue you may find the articles of G. Harutyunyan, T. Sargsyan, L. Abrahamyan, S. Sumlennyy, S. Harutyunyan etc.
Gagik Harutyunyan
Civilization factor in the context of the problems of information security
Levon Abrahamyan
Armenia and Armenians between East and West
Mikhail Aghajanyan
Repatriation of compatriots: legal providing and effective realization questions
Sergey Sumlennyy
Turkish population of Germany: ethnic bomb of delayed-action
Tigran Sargsyan
Financial systems and financial reforms in CIS countries
Sargis Harutyunyan
Regional military-political developments and Nagorny-Karabakh problem
Sergey Minasyan
Correlation of statuses of combatants, hirelings, refugees and FDP in Karabakh conflict
Samvel Martirosyan
The possible scenarios of peacemaking operations in the zone of Karabakh conflict
Vahagn Aglyan
Russian Federation and South Caucasus: structural correlation and the perspectives of developing relations
Davit Gasparyan
Transdniesterian conflict: up-to-date phase of developments