Purchase:“Noravank” Foundation
Address: 23/1 Garegin Njdeh, Yerevan,
Phone:+374 10 44 04 73, +374 93 54 31 71
The 1st issue of “Globus” analytical bulletin for 2017 has been published. The articles dedicated to development problems address human capital as a prerequisite to political and economic development, present the 2010-2016 Failed States Index, as well as analyze the current development agenda.
In the articles on information security, the authors present the information policies in revolutionary and post-revolutionary Russia and post-war USSR, as well as the cybersecurity status of the society in Armenia as of 2016.
The article dedicated to regional and geopolitical problems the truce violations statistics in Karabakh conflict zone are analyzed and Bulgaria’s geopolitical inclinations are discussed.
Issues related to the Armenian public are represented by a single article, which addresses the principle of state-centricity as an axis of Armenia-Diaspora unity.
The published materials will be also posted on the Noravank Foundation’s website.