"21st CENTURY", Nо. 2, 2015
The 2nd issue of “21st CENTURY” journal for 2015 has been published by Noravank Foundation (492 KB).
This issue covers a wide variety of subjects. The opening article by G. Harutyunyan explores the reasons of the growing extremism around the world and the importance of intellectual parity in reestablishing the stability.
A. Navasardyan and V. Aglyan address in their articles some aspects in modern international relations at the regional and global levels.
The developments in Armenia are presented by an analysis of the youth movement outcomes based on a recent survey (S. Manukyan) and internationalization trends in the higher education system (R. Khachatryan).
Other topics discussed in the articles of the journal include economic crisis and Kondratiev Theory (I. Sokhakyan), theoretical and practical aspects of the freedom of expression and its restrictions (A. Aramyan), and the situation with media of ethnic minorities in Turkey (G. Petrosyan).
Purchase: “Noravank” Foundation
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