Purchase:“Noravank” Foundation
Address: 23/1 Garegin Njdeh, Yerevan,
Phone:+374 10 44 04 73, +374 93 54 31 71
The 5th issue of “Globus” analytical bulletin for 2015 has been published, covering problems of geopolitics, information security and Armenia-Diaspora relations.
In the context of geopolitical problems the authors review the opportunities of forming Russia-China-India strategic alliance, nuclear future of Turkey, as well as strategic research centers and military reforms in this country, chances of creating unified Arab armed forces, possible terrorism on the “Turkish Stream” route.
In the context of information security, the information warfare and intellectual inequality issues are addressed.
In the context of Armenia-Diaspora relations the role of Diaspora capital is discussed.
The bulletin includes information on some remarkable facts and events that occurred in the recent period.
The materials published in the bulletin will be posted on the Noravank Foundation’s website.