The article examines the three main aspects of metamorphosis of the Turkish diplomacy’s goals and methodology, from the World War I to the present days. Quasi-neutral diplomatic maneuvers of Turkey during the World War II as a small and weak state are reviewed, along with its subsequent drastic swing toward the United States. At the beginning of the 20th century Turkey restructured its diplomacy and military concept, trying to become one of the main players in the Greater Middle East with some neo-Ottoman geopolitical ambitions and aspirations, which is fraught with instability and risk of military clashes.
Political and legal analysis of the documents regarding the establishment of Azerbaijani Republic (AR) and Nagorno Karabakh Republic (NKR) clearly indicates that of the two independent states emerged in the place of the former Azerbaijani SSR, the NKR is the one that gained its independence legitimately. On September 2, 1991 the Nagorno Karabakh Republic’s choice of independence was first based on powers granted by then-effective Constitution of the USSR and laws of the union’s republics, and later, after the collapse of the Soviet Union, it followed the commonly accepted principles of international law.
Unlike NKR, when the Azerbaijani Republic adopted its Declaration on Reestablishing the State Independence, it falsified the known historical facts and realities, violated the Constitution of the USSR and thus casted doubts on the legal norms and legitimacy of the newly established AR. Baku continued pursuing these ways after the collapse of the Soviet Union, as well, when in violation of the known principles of international law it launched an open aggression against NKR, in relation to which its powers were rendered null and void after rejecting the legal succession of the Azerbaijani SSR and USSR.
In February 2014 a new round of negotiations started for the settlement of the Cyprus dispute. The sides have succeeded to come to an agreement upon the initial principles. The article studies the essence of the Cyprus problem, the development dynamic of the negotiation process and the peculiarities at the current stage. The interests of the conflicting parties, as well as those of the stakeholder countries are reviewed. The applicability of the example of Cyprus for the settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict is also analyzed.
The “screen culture” is the child of the industrial society, and since it is connected with the scientific and technological progress, it gets manifested in the information society, becoming a pivotal culture-forming phenomenon of the modernity. This culture changes not only the character and contents of professional activities, but also people’s ways of life. It also participates in the process of forming their values orientations and sociocultural perceptions.
The economic development strategy of Armenia should be based on boosting its export potential. In terms of the trade with EEU countries Armenia has a huge untapped potential. It can be assumed that the new tariff policy and facilitation of international trade rules will contribute to the growth of exports from Armenia to the other EEU countries. On the other hand, export growth cannot happen automatically, but rather it requires implementation of a clear strategy on foreign trade.
The article provides a brief review on the Armenian community of Egypt, its past and present realities, pan-national structures in the country and their activities, as well as relations of the Egyptian Armenian community with Armenia.
The article presents some conclusions of the research conducted in the framework of a grant provided by the State Committee of Science of the Ministry of Education and Science of Armenia (2013-2015). The research results pertain to the impact of labor migration on both the causes and solutions for the modern problems of local Armenian communities. The local identity transformations and changes in relations between community members are discussed, along with peculiarities of communication between the local community members and their emigrant representatives, who still have certain influence on their local communities, including through financial support, participation in local events, in their family affairs, and dissemination of information.
For many centuries the Armenian Apostolic Church defended the spiritual life of its adherents from perils posed onto their national values, particularly from sectism. Currently there is no sign of any locally originated sects whatsoever both in the Republic of Armenia and the Artsakh Republic. However, artificially created and imported sectarian organizations mushroomed in the recent decades, and this phenomenon is incompatible with the millennia-old traditional Armenian spiritual mindset imbued with in-depth meaningfulness. Currently the problem of sects is once again in the agenda of Armenian spiritual upbringing, and the study of historical experience appears important for finding solutions to this problem.
The paper analyzes the contemporary concepts of nations and nationalism. Philosophical and historiographical debates about ethnicity, nations and nationalism began in the late 20th century and continue to date. The article presents the critiques of modernist approach to nationalism and new arguments for the historical and cultural nature of nations. The modernist tendency of denying ancient history of nations is considered in the context of contemporary globalization processes and particularly, in the context of the ideology of nihilism.
There is a common way of human development in every historical period, which does not depend on wishes of individuals. The deviation of a foreign policy from that path establishes conditions hindering the progress of statehood. The history mentions the nations who were defeated without a war; a horrible phase of their history when the balance was disrupted. Having lost the political independence they assimilated with other people and faded away as such. Some other peoples have survived even after losing political independence and overcame disasters with dignity. This is the way that the Armenian nation passed, as it retained its countenance and wisdom, national identity, mission, patriotic achievements, always seeking an independent political position with unmatched struggle and longevity for centuries. Continuously facing challenges, it has created its unique culture, virtuous character, has promoted establishment of universal human values, because having lost its political independence it nevertheless was able to protect the spiritual autonomy. The issue is related to a complex of cultural values for independent statehood establishment, because the new realities imply changes in people's lives and abilities to adapt to these conditions.
«21-րդ ԴԱՐ» No. 3, 2015
The issue No. 3 of the «21-րդ ԴԱՐ» journal for 2015 has been published by Noravank Foundation. The authors of the articles discuss a wide range of topics, including transformation of the small and large countries’ diplomacy, legal and political arguments in the Karabakh conflict, comparison of the Cyprus problem and Karabakh conflict, trade relations between Armenia and EAEU countries, migration processes, protection of the Armenian spiritual values and other issues.
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Purchase: “Noravank” Foundation
Address: 23/1 Garegin Njdeh, Yerevan,
Phone:+374 10 44 04 73, +374 93 54 31 71
Arman NavasardyanResume
The article examines the three main aspects of metamorphosis of the Turkish diplomacy’s goals and methodology, from the World War I to the present days. Quasi-neutral diplomatic maneuvers of Turkey during the World War II as a small and weak state are reviewed, along with its subsequent drastic swing toward the United States. At the beginning of the 20th century Turkey restructured its diplomacy and military concept, trying to become one of the main players in the Greater Middle East with some neo-Ottoman geopolitical ambitions and aspirations, which is fraught with instability and risk of military clashes.
Hrayr PashayanResume
Political and legal analysis of the documents regarding the establishment of Azerbaijani Republic (AR) and Nagorno Karabakh Republic (NKR) clearly indicates that of the two independent states emerged in the place of the former Azerbaijani SSR, the NKR is the one that gained its independence legitimately. On September 2, 1991 the Nagorno Karabakh Republic’s choice of independence was first based on powers granted by then-effective Constitution of the USSR and laws of the union’s republics, and later, after the collapse of the Soviet Union, it followed the commonly accepted principles of international law.
Unlike NKR, when the Azerbaijani Republic adopted its Declaration on Reestablishing the State Independence, it falsified the known historical facts and realities, violated the Constitution of the USSR and thus casted doubts on the legal norms and legitimacy of the newly established AR. Baku continued pursuing these ways after the collapse of the Soviet Union, as well, when in violation of the known principles of international law it launched an open aggression against NKR, in relation to which its powers were rendered null and void after rejecting the legal succession of the Azerbaijani SSR and USSR.
Anna KarapetyanResume
In February 2014 a new round of negotiations started for the settlement of the Cyprus dispute. The sides have succeeded to come to an agreement upon the initial principles. The article studies the essence of the Cyprus problem, the development dynamic of the negotiation process and the peculiarities at the current stage. The interests of the conflicting parties, as well as those of the stakeholder countries are reviewed. The applicability of the example of Cyprus for the settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict is also analyzed.
Vardan Atoyan, Arpine Malkjyan, Sofya OhanyanResume
The “screen culture” is the child of the industrial society, and since it is connected with the scientific and technological progress, it gets manifested in the information society, becoming a pivotal culture-forming phenomenon of the modernity. This culture changes not only the character and contents of professional activities, but also people’s ways of life. It also participates in the process of forming their values orientations and sociocultural perceptions.
Grigor Nazaryan, Davit HakhverdyanResume
The economic development strategy of Armenia should be based on boosting its export potential. In terms of the trade with EEU countries Armenia has a huge untapped potential. It can be assumed that the new tariff policy and facilitation of international trade rules will contribute to the growth of exports from Armenia to the other EEU countries. On the other hand, export growth cannot happen automatically, but rather it requires implementation of a clear strategy on foreign trade.
Vahram HovyanResume
The article provides a brief review on the Armenian community of Egypt, its past and present realities, pan-national structures in the country and their activities, as well as relations of the Egyptian Armenian community with Armenia.
Arthur Atanesyan, Maria Zaslavskaya, Arem Mkrtchyan, Gagik TumanyanResume
The article presents some conclusions of the research conducted in the framework of a grant provided by the State Committee of Science of the Ministry of Education and Science of Armenia (2013-2015). The research results pertain to the impact of labor migration on both the causes and solutions for the modern problems of local Armenian communities. The local identity transformations and changes in relations between community members are discussed, along with peculiarities of communication between the local community members and their emigrant representatives, who still have certain influence on their local communities, including through financial support, participation in local events, in their family affairs, and dissemination of information.
Eduard L. DanielyanResume
For many centuries the Armenian Apostolic Church defended the spiritual life of its adherents from perils posed onto their national values, particularly from sectism. Currently there is no sign of any locally originated sects whatsoever both in the Republic of Armenia and the Artsakh Republic. However, artificially created and imported sectarian organizations mushroomed in the recent decades, and this phenomenon is incompatible with the millennia-old traditional Armenian spiritual mindset imbued with in-depth meaningfulness. Currently the problem of sects is once again in the agenda of Armenian spiritual upbringing, and the study of historical experience appears important for finding solutions to this problem.
Karine HakobyanResume
The paper analyzes the contemporary concepts of nations and nationalism. Philosophical and historiographical debates about ethnicity, nations and nationalism began in the late 20th century and continue to date. The article presents the critiques of modernist approach to nationalism and new arguments for the historical and cultural nature of nations. The modernist tendency of denying ancient history of nations is considered in the context of contemporary globalization processes and particularly, in the context of the ideology of nihilism.
Aram SardaryantsResume
There is a common way of human development in every historical period, which does not depend on wishes of individuals. The deviation of a foreign policy from that path establishes conditions hindering the progress of statehood. The history mentions the nations who were defeated without a war; a horrible phase of their history when the balance was disrupted. Having lost the political independence they assimilated with other people and faded away as such. Some other peoples have survived even after losing political independence and overcame disasters with dignity. This is the way that the Armenian nation passed, as it retained its countenance and wisdom, national identity, mission, patriotic achievements, always seeking an independent political position with unmatched struggle and longevity for centuries. Continuously facing challenges, it has created its unique culture, virtuous character, has promoted establishment of universal human values, because having lost its political independence it nevertheless was able to protect the spiritual autonomy. The issue is related to a complex of cultural values for independent statehood establishment, because the new realities imply changes in people's lives and abilities to adapt to these conditions.