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«21-րդ ԴԱՐ» No. 2, 2014 12.05.2014

«21-րդ ԴԱՐ» No. 2, 2014

The second issue of the «21-րդ ԴԱՐ» journal for 2014 has been published by Noravank Foundation. Some interesting articles are included in the issue, including on such topics as comparison of unresolved conflicts in Cyprus, Kosovo, Nagorno Karabakh, causes of the Artsakh conflict, social tensions in Armenia, scientific and analytical potential of diaspora, peculiarities of the Kurdish factor in Turkey and Azerbaijan, as well as history of the Israeli military. The articles are authored by Y. Charalambides, D. Jamalyan, S. Manukyan, A. Simavoryan, V. Hovyan, L. Evoyan and K. Veranyan.

Subscription: www.pressinfo.am, Haymamul
Purchase: “Noravank” Foundation
Address: 23/1 Garegin Njdeh, Yerevan,
Phone:+374 10 44 04 73, +374 93 54 31 71

