The book reviews the statistical data related to demographics of the Azerbaijani Republic (AR). A comparative analysis of these data is performed relative to data from a number of reputable international sources. It is demonstrated that the AR government structures consistently misrepresent the migration flow patterns, mortality and fertility statistics, artificially adding 2.0-2.2 million to the population number of the AR. Since 1996-97 official Baku distorts the data on
annual population growth and population distribution by sex. In line with the decades-long “traditions”, Baku continues to falsify the data on ethnic composition of the country’s population. It is shown that the Potential of Forced Assimilation for Azerbaijani SSR/AR in the
period between 1939 and 1999 equals to 723,750, which can be characterized as an ethnocide carried out in Azerbaijani SSR/AR during almost the whole period of the country’s history. What causes concern is that the garbled statistics of Azerbaijan are in a way “validated” and promulgated by a number of international organizations.
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