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The issue of the information provocations carried out by Azerbaijan and its allies in regard to the RA, NKR and Armeniancy in general is a topic of constant discussions in Armenian society. But till recently these problems has not been taken as a serious challenge to our national security. Probably, it was conditioned by the fact that Azerbaijani information operations, by their content, were made-up and far from any political, factual and scientific realities.

Meanwhile, it is known that the appropriate interpretation and psychological perception of the events in the modern age is often more important than the essence and the content of what had happened. Let us also mention that information policy of Azerbaijan serves to self-affirmation of the society formed in that country and it implements in that society the aggressive revanchist ideology. Understanding the problems under the aforementioned conditions, it is necessary to state that the active presence of Azerbaijani information factor in the global information space is a serious challenge to the Armenian states and Armeniancy.

The tendency of making a point of the informational factor and the threats to our state system clearly outlined after the programme declaration of the president of the RA in 2008. As a result the Security Council of the Republic attached to the president set a new commission on the study of the issues of the informational security (IS), which not only elaborated the IS conception of the RA but also actualized it in state and political plane. Let us mention that this work is also mostly conditioned by those developments. It is also remarkable that the given study is a result of the collective inter-agency work, in which experts of the Ministry of Defence’s Institute for National Strategic Studies after Drastamat Kanayan, the Chair of Sociology of the ESU and “Noravank” educational-research foundation took part. Such an inter-agency style of work is especially efficient in the IS sphere researches.

It is obvious that the challenges and the problems directed against our society are not only restricted by Azerbaijani factor. At the same time, the theme chosen under such conditions is, undoubtedly, topical. It is necessary to mention that the current information war, just like the military conflict against the RA and the NKR in the past, was initiated by the neigbour republic. It is also obvious that Azerbaijan, which has no necessary historical and civilization traditions and sufficient spiritual and intellectual resources, will be defeated in that information war, just as it was in the “hot war”.

At the same time the knowledge of the enemy’s strategy is a guarantee of success. In this context the study of the Azerbaijani information system is more than topical. The complex of such studies will even more allow comprehending and coordinating our own actions.

The purpose of the given work is to reveal the peculiarities of the methodology implemented by Azerbaijan in the information sphere as well as the presentation of the current condition of the information resources of that country.

In the first chapter the modern theoretical conceptions of the information security and information war as well as the tasks of IS of Armenia in the context of the Azerbaijani informational policy are presented. In the second chapter the system of Azerbaijani anti-Armenian information policy and the methodology implemented in the informational actions are discussed. In the Chapter 3 the technologies and methods used by Azerbaijani media to form the image of the “enemy Armenian” are presented on concrete examples. The peculiarities of the “electronic hacker” attacks carried out by Azerbaijan are discussed in the forth chapter. In the last chapter some information about Azerbaijani centres, which play active role in the informational sphere, are presented.

Gagik Harutyunyan

Full version (in armenian) pdf

