Tigran GhanalanyanExpert of the Center for Armenian Studies, “Noravank” Foundation
Among the educational institutions of the Armenian Diaspora Beirut’s Haigazian University – the only higher educational institution in the Diaspora – holds a prominent place.
After the formation of the Diaspora one of the main challenges the Armenian Evangelical Church faced was the organization of the education process in the Armenian communities. The Armenian Evangelical educational institutions played an important role in the educational sphere of the Armenian Diaspora which has manifested itself best of all in the activity of Haigazian University.
Haigazian University in Beirut was established in 1955 as a college with English as a language of instruction. It was named after the former head of the gymnasium in Konia Armenag Haigazian.
It was founded by the Armenian Missionary Association of America (AMAA) and Union of the Armenian Evangelical Churches in the Near East (UAECNE). The university is managed by the board of trustees, 2/3 of which consists of the representatives of the AMAA and 1/3 of the representatives of the UAECNE. On March 25, 1966 the Ministry of Education of Lebanon recognized the Haigazian College as an institution of higher education. The B.A. and B.S. degrees granted by the college were recognized to be equivalent to the license granted by the Lebanese University. In 1996 the Haigazian College was authorized to offer several graduate programs at the master’s level and be called Haigazian University1.
In 1955-1989 Haigazian was a college; in 1990-1996 – College University and since 1996 it has been a university. And though the language of instruction is English the subjects referring to Armenian and Arab cultures are taught correspondingly in Armenian and Arabic. There are many Armenian students and students of other nationalities from Lebanon and other countries of the Middles East studying at the university. In the first year after its foundation the number of the students was 43, in 1975-1976 – 650, and in 2003 – 543. The main purpose of founding this university was to provide the Armenian communities in the Middle East with high-quality teachers, intellectuals and ministers of the Armenian Evangelical Church. In 1996 Haigazian started granting Masters Degrees in pedagogy, psychology and management. Haigazian University has the Department of Armenian Studies which activity has been greatly contributed by Rev. Dikran Kherlopian, Dikran kuyumjian, Vahe Oshagan, Yervant Kassouny, Levon Vardan and other. Today all the Armenian students of the university must follow at least two subjects relating to the Armenian studies. Haigazian University has separate Armenian Library which is supplemented every year by the books in Armenian and in other languages bought from Armenia and other countries. Since 1970 the university has been publishing “Haigazian Armenological Review”, “Haigazian Herald” (in English) student produced newspaper and “Focus” (in English) student yearbook2. Besides, the following periodicals are also placed on the web-site of Haigazian - INSPIRIT - The Haigazian University Newsletter and HUBS Business Review3. There are a number of student clubs and associations in the university.
The most remarkable among the Armenian periodicals is, of course, “Haigazian Armenological Review” which was started in 1970. The editorial of the first issue of “Haigazian Armenological Review” reads: “By initiating the HAIGAZIAN ARMENOLOGICAL REVIEW the Department of the Armenian Studies of Haigazian College took another step for fulfilling its mission. We believe in the necessity and right of existence of such a periodical just as we believe that it can turn into a meeting place for our intelligentsia interested in different issues of Armenology. It is safe to say that publishing of HAIGAZIAN ARMENOLOGICAL REVIEW will even more stimulate interest and excitement which has been shown recently in regard to the Armenology as well as it will be an impulse for a new quest and researches. The strength and capabilities from abroad, undoubtedly, do not run out. Of course, we seek cooperation between the representatives of Armenian intelligentsia. The pages of HAIGAZIAN ARMENOLOGICAL REVIEW will be open for those who are aware of the price of the substantiated and objective words”4.
The following persons occupied the post of the president of Haigazian University - Dr. John Markarian (1955-1966, 1972-1982), Dr. Gilbert Bilezikian (1967-1971), Dr. Verne Fletcher (1983-1985), Rev. Dr. John Khanjian (1995-2002) and Rev. Paul Ara Haidostian (2002 – present). In 1966-1968 Joseph Spredley was the acting president and in 1985-1995 the university was managed by Vilma Cholakian5. Big role in the establishment of Haigazian University was played by Rev. Dikran Kherlopian who was the first head of the Department of the Armenian Studies at the university.
The graduates of the university receive Bachelor and Master Degrees which are recognized by the government of Lebanon and Association of American Colleges and Universities.
Haigazian has two directions of teaching (schools): 1. Science and humanities; 2. Business Administration and Management. The school of science and humanities includes three faculties - Faculty of Sciences - Division of Natural Sciences, Biology, Chemistry, Medical Laboratory Sciences, Nutrition Sciences and Dietetics, Physics) and Division of Mathematical Sciences (Computer Science, Mathematics). The other one is the Faculty of Social Sciences which includes sociology, psychology, social work, political science and education. In the spheres of psychology and education both the BA and MA Degrees are granted. As for the Faculty of Humanities it includes Arabic, Armenian studies, English, English literature, history, music, philosophy, religion, art and intercultural studies. The Faculty of Business Administration and Management plays an important role as a center for business education and study. All the leading programs of the faculty are accredited by the Ministry of Education of Lebanon. Today the faculty grants BBA and BA degrees putting stress on bookkeeping, tourism and information system management, finances, advertising and communications6.
The university also pays attention to the spiritual development of the students so there is a special position of a Campus Minister. Besides the spiritual sphere the other important mission of the university is to preserve the Armenian language and culture. The Department of the Armenian studies grants the academic degree in this sphere and is designed to provide a solid academic foundation in Armenian letters, history, politics, and culture. The program intends to prepare students for teaching in Armenian schools and for community service and leadership, as well as for graduate studies. This Department provides the Armenian component of the general education program too. It also helps the Armenian library, publishes researches and holds public lectures and cultural events.
The subjects relating to the history, literature, political issues of Lebanon are emphasized in the educational programs. Lecturers and student groups initiate visits to historic places.
In 2005 the 50th anniversary of the university was celebrated. The guest-list of the event underlines the importance of the university: the members of the Lebanese government, the representative of Lebanese president’s office, the member of the Lebanese parliament Hakob Bagratouni, the representatives of the prime-minister and Ministry of Education, the Head of the Lebanon Dioceses of the Armenian Apostolic Church Bishop Vardan Ashakarian, the president of Union of the Armenian Evangelical Churches in the Near East Rev. Megerdich Karageozian, the rector of the YSU Radik Martirosyan, Head of the Armenian Evangelical Church Rene Levonian, the executive director of the AMAA Andy Torigian and others. The delegations from Armenia, U.S., Canada, Iran, Cyprus and Syria were present. The then Minister of Foreign Affairs of Armenia Vardan Oskanyan was the honorary guest7.
The eager cooperation of Haigazian University with the educational institutions from Armenia is important. The relations with the institutions from Armenia are of special significance. In this aspect the cooperation of Haigazian with the Yerevan State University should be mentioned. On October 3, 2009 cooperation agreement was signed by the president of Haigazian University Paul Haidostian and the rector of the YSU Aram Simonyan: “Both universities acknowledging that cooperation for the academic and educational purposes is irreplaceable stimulus for their development undertake the responsibility to create all the conditions for the exchange of their employees, students and publications” 8.
The important role in the activity of the Haigazian University is taken by the AMAA. It particularly stands out for its financial support. From the very beginning the founders of the university tended to create the opportunity for the students from Armenian Diaspora who wanted to receive education but did not have sufficient material means to get it. Due to the scholarship fund no prepared applicant is rejected to receive education9. Today the doors of the university are opened for anyone, despite his/her religious or national affiliations.
It is necessary to mention that many of the graduates of Haigazian University hold appointments in different organization in the Armenian Diaspora. It is remarkable that the graduates of the university are eagerly involved in the community life of not only Armenian community in Lebanon but also in the Armenian community organization in other countries10.
From the point of view of the development of the university the campus and material and technical resources are important. In this aspect the reconstruction of the building of the university is remarkable. On April 29, 2010 the new repaired building opening ceremony on which the prime-minister of Lebanon was present took place11.
In 2011 the number of the Haigazian students was 800, the number of university faculty exceeds 100 and the number of the administrative staff is 55. Therefore the number of the university graduates has been 3 thousand people12. The ethnic composition of the students of the university is remarkable. As it was mentioned before there is no ethnic discrimination on behalf of the university. Thus, according to the data for 2007 51% of the students of the university were the Armenians and 49% - foreigners13.
Among the researches carried out by Haigazian University the studies referring to different problems of the Armenian Diaspora have always stood out. In order to make this works more organized and comprehensive in 2012 the Armenian Diaspora Research Center was founded.
On January 25, 2012 the opening of the Armenian Diaspora Research Center took place. The representative character of the participants of this event proves its significance. In particular the Head of the Armenian Dioceses in Lebanon Archbishop Kegham Khacherian, the extraordinary and plenipotentiary ambassador of Armenia to Lebanon Ashot Kocharyan, the former president of the Lebanon University, ex-minister Dr. Adnan Seyit Husseini, members of parliament, the representatives of national, partisan unions, etc. were present. President of university Dr. Paul Haidostian underlined the main importance of the Armenian Diaspora Research Center and said: “The availability of the exceptional cultural contribution of the Armenians, their marked and numerous presence in Lebanon promotes the perception of Haigazian as the most natural and consistent place for the study of the Armeniancy and Armenian Diaspora in the Near East”14. The director of the Center is Dr. Antranik Dakessian.
Thus, Haigazian University in Beirut is one of the most remarkable educational institutions in the Armenian Diaspora. Being the only higher educational institution in Diaspora it stands out against the background of both Lebanese or generally Armenian Diaspora educational institutions and Armenian Evangelical educational facilities.
Being established in 1955 as a college, Haigazian has a 57-years long history. Facing some obstacles it managed to develop in all necessary fields and become a university. As a higher educational establishment the university plays an important role in the life of the Armenian community in Lebanon which manifests itself in both passing necessary modern knowledge to the students and in providing their involvement in the Armenian language, history and culture. Working with the foreigners the university contributes to the presentation of the Armenian culture in the foreign environment.
The development of the relations between Haigazian University and other educational institutions of the Armenian Diaspora is of great importance. It can contribute to the consolidation of ties not only between the educational institutions but also between the communities in general. Of course it will be difficult to underestimate eager cooperation of the university with the Armenian educational and academic institutions. The experience accumulated by Haigazian Univsersity can be useful for both organization of the educational process in different Armenian communities in Diaspora and in the aspect of the development of the educational system in Armenia. Despite the gradual weakening and decrease of the Armenian community in Lebanon, Haigazian University still has potential for the educational and research development.
1 Armenian Evangelical Church, Yerevan, 2002, N 3, p. 5 (in Armenian)
2 Encyclopedia of Armenian Diaspora, Yerevan, 2003, p. 305-306 (in Armenian)
3 http://www.haigazian.edu.lb/Publications/Pages/Overview.aspx
4 «Haigazian Armenological Review», Beirut, 1970, p. 7 (in Armenian)
5 Encyclopedia of Armenian Diaspora, Yerevan, 2003, p. 306 (in Armenian)
6 Armenian Evangelical Church, Yerevan, 2002, N 3, p. 6-7 (in Armenian)
7 Ibid, 2005, N 3, p. 7:
8 Idid, 2009, N 4, p. 18
9 AMAA News, 2005, N 3, p. 2.
10 Aniv, Moscow, 2009, N 3 (18), (in Russian) http://aniv.ru/archive/10/livanskie-eskizy134/
11 Armenian Evangelical Church, Yerevan, 2010, N 2, p. 9:
12 Ibid, 2011, N 4, p. 4:
13 Forum, Glendale, 2007, N 2, p. 30.
14 Opening of the Armenian Diaspora Research Center in Lebanon http://hayernaysor.am/1327564076
“Globus” analytical journal, #2, 2013
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