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REGNUM: NEW KIND OF GENOCIDE IS BEING PERPETRATED IN SYRIA (from the press-conference of Gagik Harutyunyan)



Genocide, quite unusual one, is being perpetrated in the Middle East now – Arabs kill Arabs and alongside a Christian population suffers. As the REGNUM Information Agency correspondent reports this was stated by the Director of the Armenian “Noravank” Foundation Gagik Harutyunyan at the press-conference held on May 13. According to Mr. Harutyunyan the major issues under the current situation is who is the instigator of this “new kind of genocide”.

“In my opinion, the point is the creation of the chaos in the countries of the Islamic world. Most distinctly it can be observed on the example of Syria, but here everything is much more complicated: only 5-10% of the so-called Syrian oppositionists are the citizens of this country which conveys a great deal. In any case the final target of the instigators of the Syrian crisis is the Islamic Republic of Iran and it is visible to a naked eye”, - said the expert and at the same time he called the situation in Syria “war of temporal Islam against a radical one”, where the temporal side is represented by the president of Syria Bashar al Assad.

Developing Syria theme, Harutyunyan underlined that Assad turned out to be more viable than he was considered to be a year ago. “Besides, he is supported by a number of countries, including Russia, China and Iran. Despite a serious crisis the Syrian government appeared in, it does not work out to overpower Assad. In theory there are two ways of developing of the Syrian scenario – one is the real and another one is fantastic: settlement of the conflict at some moment and permanent war correspondingly”, - said the expert and referred in details to the “real” option.

According to the analyst on the one hand the West is interested in a quick resolution of the conflict and on the other hand it cannot make for a direct intervention of Syria. “The current situation allows all external actors to avoid responsibility under the international law. Formally they are “innocent” and they take advantage of this situation. But such a stance delays the process of the settlement of the Syria conflict”, - mentioned Gagik Harutyunyan, thus expressing an opinion that the forthcoming presidential elections in Iran could become a breaking point in the Syrian crisis.

“Iran is the final target. In Israel, which started delivering air strikes to the Syrian territory, they make no secret of it. But the elections in the IRI can change the accents in the foreign policy of Tehran in regard to Washington and Tel-Aviv. In particular, the candidate for presidency and the former head of the Islamic state Ali Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani is softer as compared to the incumbent president Mahmud Akhmadinejad. Besides, Israel and U.S. treat him with more tolerance and more openly. Rafsanjani is the only influential Iranian politician who recognizes (though in rather peculiar version) Holocaust”, - said the guest of the press-conference.

The director of “Noravank” Foundation also referred to the condition of the Armenian community in Syria, saying that it mainly hold to a stance of a cautious support of the current Syrian regime, which was a rational choice. “But the Christians in Syria, including Armenians, are in danger. The whole community suffers. If there was an opportunity of an organized moving of the community to other country it would be wonderful. But many Syrian Armenians consider that country their motherland and take this idea ambiguously. This is also topical even if Armenia is mentioned as the final destination point. The latter in its turn does not have enough resources to accept thousand of compatriots from the Diaspora. In one word, it is very complicated issue”, - said Mr. Harutyunyan.

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