Since March 2003 100th issue of the official periodical of the Republican Party of Armenia – “Hanrapetakan” journal – has been published; it is, in fact an ideological successor of “Hanrapetakan” monthly which had been published in 1990s. It is rarity in the history of our press when partisan periodical presented analytical publications to a reader and achieved a wide readership which included many unaffiliated persons or those who affiliate to other parties. This fact is mostly conditioned by the subject area to which “Hanrapetakan” refers. If we try to generalize orientation of the articles published in the journal it will turn out that publications devoted to ideological issues take a paramount place on its pages where not only the ideas of the representatives of the Armenian public and ideological thought – e.g. Garegin Nzhdeh, Hayk Asatryan – but also world perceptions and theories on nationalism and conservatism are presented. This is an attempt to combine the Armenian and global national-conservative world-views, draw parallels between them as well as to underline peculiarity of the Armenian national-conservative ideology.
Another group of articles published in the journal is devoted to the analysis of geopolitical and regional developments among which a special attention is paid to the references made to Iran, Turkey and Arab-Muslim world.
In our reality “Hanrapetakan” has been one of the first to present on its pages researches referring to the Armenians of other religions and speaking other languages. Thus, in fact, it attracted some kind of interest towards these in some sense “lost” segments of Armeniancy. Another peculiarity of “Hanrapetakan” to be appreciated is that almost in every issue translated articles and interviews through which an Armenian reader is getting acquainted with world analyses and forecasts of specialists of world analytical and expert centers as well as viewpoints and stances of such personalities of public and political thought as H. Kissinger, Z. Brzezinski, S. Karaganov, Y. Vedrin etc. are presented.
Introductory and educational significance of the photos placed at the cover, which depict historical and architectural monuments unfamiliar to most of the Armenian readers and fascinating native landscapes should also be mentioned.
“Hanrapetkan” has been cooperating with scientific and research institutions, analytical centers, particularly with “Noravank” Foundation since the day of its establishment. Journal also cooperates with the scientific and research circles of Diaspora.
Over these years the periodical managed to gather a particular circle of scholars and experts of the Republic and to bring the Armenian public and political thought to a definite level of development with the help of its publications and emphases made in them.
Hereby, we would like to congratulate cordially “Hanrapetakan” journal, its editor – Deputy Chairman of the Republican Party of Armenia Mushegh Lalayan, its readers or all those people who are somehow connected with the publication of the 100th issue of the journal.
History shows how important role of press can be. We are convinced that decades away, when we will be appraising the Armenian public-political and ideological thought of early 21st century and the role of the press in its formation, we will have to speak about the significance and irreparability of “Hanrapetakan” in that process.
Edgar Hovhannisyan – Candidate of Science (History),Deputy Director of National Archive of Armenia