The Coordinating Committee on Protection of the Rights of Armenians from Javakhq, which unites five non-governmental organizations (including two from Javakhq), on 18 February hold a workshop in “Tekeyan Centre” devoted to the issues of preserving Armeniancy and protection of the rights of the Armenians from Samtskhe-Javakhq-Tsalka region. Four reports and many short addresses had been made for two and a half hours. At the end the NA deputy Shirak Torosyan, the host of the workshop, stated that the petition addressed to the authorities of Armenia and international organizations and which was signed by the leaders and representatives of five parties: “Hzor Hayreniq”, Ramgavar Democratic Liberal Party, “Democracy and Labour”, “Zharangutyun”. It also seemed to be approved by Khosrov Harutyunyan (Christian-Democratic Union) who left the workshop in the middle of the seminar just like some other participants including E. Sharmazanov (RPA). In the course of the discussion many interesting facts, conclusions, opinions, which cannot be brought here due to the limitedness of the place in the newspaper, were sounded.
Ashot MELKONYAN, the director of the Institute of History of the National Academy of Science of Armenia:
- ISSUES OF JAVAKHQ SHOULD BE CONSIDERED not only in the context of Armenian-Georgian relations, but also in the context of Georgian-Turkish, Georgian-Azerbaijani and Georgian-Russian relations… In the relations with Georgians we should find a common field of interests and activate our efforts in that direction. Take, for example, the issues of demographic security of our two nations. One Georgian scientist told me bitterly that in 50 years there would be no Armenians and Georgians in the Caucasus; only Azerbaijanis. We should think together over the common threat…
Tamara VARDANYAN, “Noravank” Foundation expert:
- GEORGIA HEADS FOR turning the multi-ethnic state into the mono-ethnic one. This happens either through the assimilation or through the urging to emigrate. The statements that Armenians from Javakhq do not promote in different spheres because they do not speak Georgian are wrong. Firstly, many speak Georgian; secondly, Armenians from Tbilisi have a perfect command of Georgian but look, what a trifling percentage of them succeed…
Hrant MELIK-SHAKHNAZARYAN, the expert of “Mitq” analytical centre:
- TODAY THE GENERATION, which considers Armenians as the main threat to them, has been brought up in Georgia… Not only Georgians or Azerbaijanis are to be blamed in the situation in Javakhq. It is our fault, too. Students from Javakhq getting education in Armenia do not return home.
Robert TATOYAN, the expert of “Yerkir” Union:
- NOBODY ISSUED MANDATE TO GEORGIA to create a mono-ethnic state. Just the opposite, Georgian authorities have to solve the problems of national minorities in accordance with their international obligations. This was also pointed out by the UN Human Rights Committee, EU Advisory Committee. There is nothing going beyond the scope of international norms, which are guaranteed to the national minorities, in the issues raised by the Armenians from Javakhq.
IN THE COURSE OF LIVELY DISCUSSION different opinions were expressed regarding the situation in Javakhq, the clarifying of the parameters of the demands of the Armenians, particularly, in what context they should be considered: the protection of the rights of the compatriots or in the context of national issue. The stance of the authorities of the RA was criticized. It is reasonable that Georgia is our centuries-long neighbour and, besides, it is the transition country through the territory of which most of the supplies are made. But one must not let the neighbours make a use of that and in the name of common security close the eyes on the problems of the compatriots in Javakhq. It is needless to say about the great importance of the presence of the Armenians in Javakhq and disastrous consequences of their leaving this part of their historical homeland…
Norik Karapetyan and David Rstakyan, activists who arrived from Javakhq, supplemented the discussion with some details. “The Georgian authorities mean assimilation while speaking about integration… There should be the Armenian-Georgian University in Akhlkalaki. During his electoral campaign M. Saakashvili promised to allot 100 places for the Armenian students in the higher education establishments of Tbilisi. Only 6 were allotted from which 4 went to the Georgians. Autonomy is not an end in itself. The most important is to protect the rights of the Armenians. If there is no Javakhq, tomorrow there will no Armenia”.
This last conclusion does not seem to be the exaggeration but is it considered seriously enough by our politicians? Do we have considered prospective policy in regard to the Armenians of Javakhq? To tell the truth, that is quite doubtful. Because if we had the one it would not have been discussed by the expatriates communities, NGOs and some enthusiasts.
1. The immediate stopping of the persecutions of the political activists from Javakhq.
2. Grant the Armenian language the status of the regional language in the areas of compact settlement of the Armenians.
3. The solution of the legal position of the Armenian Apostolic Church in Georgia and the returning of the Armenian churches.
Those minimal measures are directed to the protection of the rights and interests of the Armenians in Javakhq. Coordinating Committee calls everybody to support Armenians in Javakhq, who have indefeasible right to build their future on their native soil.