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Turkey and Israel (original) Turkey and Israel are not strategic partners any more. This kind of partnership supposes the coincidence of strategic interests and there is no such thing at present. This was said by the Director of “Noravank” Foundation Gagik Harutyunyan in an interview with IA REGNUM, when he commented on the recent developments in relations between Ankara and Tel-Aviv, i.e. the demand of Turkish prime-minister Recep Erdogan to bar Israel from the UN.

“The strategic alliance also supposes the similarity of strategic interests, but today there are vast sectors of national interests of Turkey and Israel which do not identify. Though, this probably will not be reflected in the collaboration in the sphere of defense between special services of two countries, but it’s needless to say that there is no more old level of partnership”. – mentioned Harutyunyan.

The expert reminded that the frost in the relations between Turkey and Israel begun several years ago, when some problems in the issues of defense collaboration aroused and Turkish General Staff complained of “double standards” applied by Tel-Aviv. Harutyunyan explained that Turkish-Israeli contradictions are provoked both by regional and global factors, and first and foremost, by the war in Iraq and slackening of the US presence in the region. “The strengthening of Kurdish factor in Iraq was negative phenomenon for Turkey, while at the same time it served Israel’s purpose, because they used that factor against Arabs of Iraq, both Sunnis and Shiahs. That issue caused serious conflict of interests between Ankara and Tel-Aviv”, - said the political scientist.

He also mentioned that alongside with the slackening of influence of Washington in the region and the consolidation of “polypolar” world every state in that region should act in its own interest. “Raising the question of barring Israel from the UN, Erdogan tries to become a leader of Islamic world, especially if we remember that the spiritual leader of Iran banned the citizens of his country to take part in war in Gaza”, – told the analyst.

He also mentioned that there are serious domestic policy problems in Turkey, such as the problems with national minorities, army, the confrontation of kemalists and islamists. The desire of Turkey to shift domestic policy problems to foreign-policy field sometimes brings to “extravagant” actions such as the recent statements of Erdogan and the dialogue with Armenia”, - says the expert.

Harutyunyan underlined that this situation is not likely to give a rise to the recognition of the Armenian Genocide in Knesset. “In its approach to the Armenian Genocide Israel takes into account not only the position of Turkey but also its own interest of being the only nation which falls under the definition of “victim of genocide”. But on the other hand, in Harutyunyan’s opinion the current situation in relations between Ankara and Tel-Aviv may become a positive signal to the recognition of the Armenian Genocide by Washington. “From this point of view Armenia should not only head for improvement of relations with Turkey but at the same time look for new ally in Israel”, - concluded the analyst.
