On May 22-25 of the current year in the NKR capital, Stepanakert, was held an international scientific conference on the subject “20th anniversary of Karabakh movement: realities and perspectives.” The coference was participated by “Noravank” Foundation director Gagik Harutyunyan as well as such political scientists, diplomats, politicians from different countries as V. Kazmirov, V. Oskanyan, V. Igrunov, D. Roghtus, N. Ligeros. In the conference agenda were included the following mainstreams:
- historical-legal basic self-determinations of the NKR and international law,
- peculiarities of international perception of the Karabakh issue and current geopolitical developments,
- information challenges in the course of the Karabakh conflict settlement.
In the report on “Some issues of the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic information security” (“Noravank” Foundation Director) G. Harutyunyan presented the problems of information security of Armenia and Armenians, as well as the information war initiated (conducted) against the RA and NKR.
It shoul also be mentioned that the system of the Armenian information security must embrace not only Armenia, but also Nagorno-Karabakh, Javakhq, as well as the whole complex of information issues of World-Spread Armenians. According to the reporter, to suppress outward challenges and to create a universal information plane it is necessary to make serious steps, the first and foremost of which is to establish a specialized structure engaged in information security issues in Nagorno-Karabakh, which should have the objectives:
- to reveal and classify information challanges, and work out measures of effective opposition,
- To work out preventive measures of carrying out information operations,
- to form a common Armenia-Nagorno-Karabakh information plane.
“Noravank” Foundation