Zara GevorkyanObviously, the question of Crimea caused some active and heated debates in the Armenian society, and it could have not been otherwise. The value-bearing and political concept of self-determination has guided the logic of our historical development in the last quarter century. Essentially, this is about a manifestation of the national survival instinct, because it is clear that had this instinct not worked properly, then at the very least the Karabakh Armenians would have had the same status as those now called Vanetsi or Karsetsi (Van and Kars Armenians). Wasn’t it the same survival instinct that determined the expression of free will of Crimea’s people, along with historical, ethnic and political factors?
NOT FAR TO SEEK, ENOUGH TO LOOK AT THE PROGRAM provisions of the Svoboda party led by Oleg Tyagnobok , that insist on introducing the “ethnicity” field in passports, in order to know for sure who is “Moskal” or for that matter, equalized to them “Kike” or “Armo”.
G. Terterov, an independent expert, notes: “That program calls for adding a provision in Ukraine’s constitution that the current state is the legal successor of Ukraine declared on June 30, 1941, according to which: "Відновлена Українська Держава буде тісно співдіяти з Націонал-Соціалістичною Велико-Німеччиною, що під проводом Адольфа Гітлера творить новий лад в Европі..." Golos Armenii readers probably do not need a translation, but just in case; the constitution stipulated that Ukraine will closely collaborate with Adolf Hitler to establish the “new world order”. The program also has a provision about making Ukraine a nuclear power with “tactical nuclear missile arsenal”. All of that speaks for itself. Interestingly enough, John McCain, formerly US presidential hopeful and currently a simple American senator congratulated Tyagnibok for big success in “democratization” and delivered a passionate speech in Maidan, relevant to the solemn moment.”
Meanwhile, odious Tyagnibok looks almost like an angel compared to Dmytro Yarosh, who is a current presidential candidate, leader of “Tryzub” ultra-radical organization that positions itself as the successor of forces, which acted under direct command of SS during the World War II, within Galizien Division and Nachtigall Battalion.
As G. Terterov mentions: “They conducted ethnic cleansing and committed atrocities with an exceptional cruelty. For example, on June 30, 1941 they entered Lvov, immediately started looking for victims using the city address book and when found, dragged them to execution. Among the victims were such people as Kazimierz Bartel, former Prime Minister of Poland, professor and member of many academies of the world, Roman Remsky, rector of the Lvov University and many others. These forces were responsible for the Volhynian tragedy of 1943, when at least 60,000 Poles, Jews, Czechs and Ukrainians were massacred. No wonder Yarosh combatants call themselves “Christian Taliban” (blasphemously twice), while the “Right Sector” snipers shot in cold blood both Maidan supporters and Berkut policemen, regardless of ethnicity”.
One may elaborate endlessly about the past and the present of Ukrainian political movements of the day. Yet the fact is that against the background Tyagnibik and Yarosh, as well as other various types of boxers/political entrepreneurs who seized the power in a coup d’état, the concerns of Crimean people are more than justified, and that they, as well as Russia simply had no other choice. Who can argue against this?
“Many years ago Vasily Aksyonov wrote a brilliant utopian novel The Island of Crimea, a Samizdat copy of which was given to me just for a night, because there were too many people wanting to read it” says Terterov. “The plot is tragic and well-known: the White Guard somehow manages to fend off the Bolsheviks from Crimea, but years later the Soviets still annex the “the island”. Today we have it the other way around. Crimean people avoided occupation somehow (or rather, thanks to their organization abilities and existence of the Sevastopol Navy Base) and were able to rejoin Russia…”
Back to our own modern information space – characteristically, the “Right Sector Taliban” have compiled a sizable list of monuments to be destroyed in Crimea. This is no surprise; any aggressor attempts first of all to delete the historical memory of the adversary and destroy the so-called memory markers. Why mention this?
As Terterov notes: “It is absolutely clear that something like that happens among us as well, despite there are no apparent occupational forces, since we defeated them successfully at the time. However, it seems some people are not happy with this fact and they devotedly malign not only Crimea and Russia, but also those in Armenia (including both the RoA and NKR) who adequately reacted to the unification. Some caustic tongues contend that these people have each received 30 silver coins and were also promised not so big (2 x 3 meters), but highly prized land plots in the Shahid Alley…”
And this is a subject to which we shall definitely return in the nearest future.