This report provides the assessment of the macroeconomic impact of Armenia joining the Customs Union. Quantitative analysis has demonstrated that, as a result of integration with the CU, the additional growth in Armenian GDP will approximate 4% a year by 2016.
Armenia’s integration with the CU and SES is preferable regardless of which economic development strategy the country opts for: improving the domestic demand or choosing an export orientated development . As a fully-fledged member of the Customs Union, Armenia will be in a position to effectively solve pressing socioeconomic problems and step onto the trajectory of sustainable and balanced growth.
One of the main advantages for Armenia is getting access to the CU single labour market. The SES agreements in the area of labour migration are aimed at providing national treatment for labour migrants and ensuring an effective operation of the common labour market. A total of 85% of transfers are currently being made by labour migrants from Russia (15% of Armenia’s GDP). Armenia’s accession to the SES agreements will lead to an increase in remittances by US $40 million a year. This will help to finance the trade account of the country’s balance of payments.
Thanks to the free movement of goods and capital in the CU the country will get access to a protected large-capacity market and, at the same time, an inflow of investment in the sectors that are orientated on the CU market and the domestic market. As a result, Armenian export-orientated sectors will be given a boost to development. The country will get an opportunity to advance the solution of its strategic problems such as transport isolation and the need to improve its energy potential. The most promising infrastructure projects in Armenia, which can be implemented with the participation of investors from the SES countries, are the construction of a new nuclear power plant and other projects in the energy sector, the construction of a railroad to Iran, the North-South transport corridor, and the restoration of rail links with Russia through Georgia.
It is particularly important that these projects are of interest not only to Armenia but to the current members of the Customs Union, because projects to establish and develop rail and automobile corridors through Armenia to South Asia and the Near East will effectively link these markets with the Customs Union countries. The construction of electric power grids in the direction of Iran is another promising area of development.